Let's learn about Squimis's friends:

Squimis has no friends, only subjects

Squimis is great for a lot of reasons. Here is our top 3 picks for Squimis's best traits:

Eyes that blink vertically

I mean, c'mon. This is cool.

Perfect belly button

It's so round and bumpy. How could you not love this?

He's great at sitting

Puts his whole squoochie into it.


"Squimis is really top notch. I can't even begin to describe how much I love Squimis. He's so fucking cool".  -  yelrahc9

"I can't imagine a world without Squimis. He's my hero." - DietKnight

"Squimis, man. Just, Squimis." - WizardsIsAnAnimal

Squimis Will Protect His Own

He'll scuttle and shake at any foe and ensure your safety. Squimis loves you.